The movie starts with Martial arts champion Raghav (Sudheer Babu) kidnapping Sia (Shraddha Kapoor) from her film's set, eventually taking her to Bangkok. Sia's father P. P. Khurana (Sunil Grover) along with producer of the movie goes to each possible government offices for seeking help regarding the matter but no one is ready to help them, since Raghav is a powerful man. Khuraana knows that only man can now save Sia from Raghav, Ronny (Tiger Shroff).
Baaghi Official Trailer | Tiger Shroff & Shraddha Kapoor | Releasing April 29
The movie starts with Martial arts champion Raghav (Sudheer Babu) kidnapping Sia (Shraddha Kapoor) from her film's set, eventually taking her to Bangkok. Sia's father P. P. Khurana (Sunil Grover) along with producer of the movie goes to each possible government offices for seeking help regarding the matter but no one is ready to help them, since Raghav is a powerful man. Khuraana knows that only man can now save Sia from Raghav, Ronny (Tiger Shroff).
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