Blogging is getting harder and in order to earn some handsome amount of money from a blog, you need to focus on a couple of easy earning ways! URL shortening is one of them. There are many URL shortening sites that would allow you to shorten URLs but there exists a site, that not only shortens the URLs but also gives you an opportunity to earn money!
Note that, can help both bloggers and non-bloggers i.e., both can earn money. I will show you how it works and how can you earn more by simply shortening URLs. – An introduction is a URL Shortening tool which helps bloggers to monetize their Blogs/Websites on outgoing and internal links on their sites. Non-bloggers can also earn money with it. If somebody is not having a website/blog and has a good social media followership, he/she can take advantage by shortening URLs with and share them in messages, comments, and posts!
How works?
You just need to sign up for and here the game begins. Shorten your URLs and start sharing them. For instance, I shortened TutorialsFist’s homepage to Now, If you click on this link, you’ll be taken to a page that would ask you to wait for 5 seconds!
Actually, the page contains ads. Whenever a visitor clicks on the shortened URL, you’ll get paid in return. I am sure now you’re able to know how does it work?
How to boost earnings with extra tools?
Unlike other tools, offers some extra tools that have the main aim to boost earnings 

Below I’m sharing all the extra tools offered by that going to double your earning.
- Quick Link
- Social Share Widget
- WordPress Plugin
- Mass Shrinker
- Earn on Blogspot comments
- integration
- integration
All these tools have the same mission i.e., they can boost your earnings to a remarkable level by providing more opportunities to monetize your online content!
Some tools are explained here
Social Share widget: This tool allows your visitors to share your content. But, when a visitor uses this tool to share content, he/she will be taken to an advertisement page before the sharing window appears. Simultaneously, more earnings!
Earn on Blogspot Comments: As the name conveys, this tool/widget is only for blogger blogs. So, how it works?
It works by monetizing your Blogspot blog’s comments. Simply, you comments would be linked to advertisements and when a visitor clicks on that links, you’ll be paid, in return!
[alert-success]In the same way, all other widgets/tools work providing you more opportunities to get better revenue.[/alert-success]
How much it pays for a single click? has a different structure. Each country has its own rates. European countries visitors can let you earn more than 1$ per click. Whereas, for Asian countries, the rate is a bit low!
However, offers higher rates than others like, etc. I’ve been using both but found better than any of the URL shortening & monetizing programs.
For more, you can check out Payout rates. : Payment options
Unlike others, offers many options by which you can get paid. These include PayPal, Payoneer, and Webmoney. Here are some guidelines from about payment: Have at least $5 earned for PayPal and Webmoney [Only if your earnings have reached a total of $5.00 or more for the previous month(s) ] Have at least $20 earned for Payoneer. Payment is issued at 10th of every month.
Sign Up now and start earning!
It was a short review about I am sure; you learned everything about it. If you don’t have a account, signup now and start earning!
The article is nice and thanks for sharing short Url SMS services in India