The word biometric is derived from the Greek words bio and metric. Where bio means life and metric means to measure. Biometrics are used to identify his or her physical and behavior characteristics of a person. This method of identification is chosen over traditional methods, including PIN numbers and passwords for its exactness and case sensitiveness. Based on the designing, this system can be used as an identification system or authentication system. These systems are divided into various types which includes vein pattern, fingerprints, hand geometry, DNA, voice pattern, iris pattern, signature dynamics and face detection. This article discusses about what is biometric sensor, different types of biometric sensors and its working.

Biometric Sensors
Biometric Sensor
A biometric sensor is a transducer that changes a biometric treat of a person into an electrical signal. Biometric treats mainly include biometric fingerprint reader, iris, face, voice, etc. Generally the sensor reads or measures light, temperature, speed, electrical capacity and other types of energies.Different technologies can be applied to get this conversation using sophisticated combinations, networks of sensors and digital cameras. Every biometric device requires one type of sensor. The biometrics applications mainly includes: used in a high definition camera for facial recognition or in a microphone for voice capture.Some biometrics are specially designed to scan the vein patterns under your skin. Biometric sensors are an essential feature of identity technology.
Biometric Device
Types of Biometric Sensor
Biometric sensors or access control systems are classified into two types such as Physiological Biometrics and Behavioral Biometrics. The physiological biometrics mainly include face recognition, fingerprint, hand geometry, Iris recognition and DNA. Whereas behavioral biometrics include keystroke, signature and voice recognition.For better understanding of this concept,some of them are discussed below.
Types of Biometric Sensor
Fingerprint Recognition
Fingerprint Recognition includes taking a fingerprint image of a person and records its features like arches, whorls, and loops along with the outlines of edges, minutiae and furrows. Matching of the Fingerprint can be attained in three ways, such as minutiae, correlation and ridge- Minutiae based fingerprint matching stores a plane includes a set of points and the set of points are corresponding in the template and the i/p minutiae.
- Correlation based fingerprint matching overlays two fingerprint images and association between equivalent pixels is calculated.
- Ridge feature based fingerprint matching is an innovative method that captures ridges, as minutiae based fingerprint capturing of the fingerprint images is difficult in low quality.

Fingerprint Recognition
Face Recognition
Face recognition system is a one type of biometric computer application which can identify or verify a person from a digital image by comparing and analyzing patterns. These biometric systems are used in security systems. Present facial recognition systems work with face prints and these systems can recognize 80 nodal points on a human face. Nodal points are nothing but end points used to measure variables on a person’s face, which includes the length and width of the nose, cheekbone shape and the eye socket depth.
Face Recognition
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Iris Recognition
Iris recognition is a one type of bio-metric method used to identify the people based on single patterns in the region of ring shaped surrounded the pupil of the eye. Generally, the iris has a blue, brown, gray or green color with difficult patterns which are noticeable upon close inspection. Please follow the below link to know more about iris recognition technology.Please follow the link to know more about: IRIS Recognition Technology.
Iris Recognition
Voice Recognition
Voice recognition technology is used to produce speech patterns by combining behavioral and physiological factors that can be captured by processing the speech technology.The most important properties used for speech authentication are nasal tone, fundamental frequency, inflection, cadence. Voice recognition can be separated into different categories based on the kind of authentication domain, such as a fixed text method, in the text dependent method, the text independent method and conversational technique.Please follow the link to know more about:Voice Recognition technology.
Voice Recognition
Signature Recognition
Signature recognition is a one type of biometric method used to analyze and measure the physical activity of signing like the pressure applied, stroke order and the speed. Some biometrics are used to compare visual images of signatures. Signature recognition can be operated in two different ways, such as static and dynamic.
Signature Recognition
In dynamic mode, consumers write their signature in a tablet which is digitized, that obtains the signature in real time. Another option is the gaining by means of stylus-operated PDAs. Some biometrics also operate with smart-phones with a capacitive screen, where consumers can sign using a pen or a finger. This type of recognition is also known as “on-line”.
Thus, this is all about biometric sensors which can be used by several organizations to increase the level of security and also to protect their data and copyrights.We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any doubts regarding the concept or electrical and electronic projects. Please comment in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, what are the applications of biometric sensors?
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