Java Projects

Java Projects:
Most of the projects are developed in Java as it contains API for almost every task, easy to use, platform independent and you can easily develop GUI for your project.
Java Platformer Game: That’s the best and most interesting java project. Almost everyone of us have played Mario, counter Strike, etc. How about making our own game?
Making Java Plat-former game is indeed easy with Java default Graphics framework.

Lan Audio(Voice) Chat : Can be easily implemented in Java with Java-net and Java Sample Audio API.
Group Chat in Java: Again it’s easy to implement. A basic knowledge of Concurrent Server will do.
Media Player in Java:  Easy to implement. Thanks to Java Sample Sound/Audio API.
MP3 Extractor from you-Tube
Text Editor: Designing UI for text editor with Java Swing is a cake walk. Use an advanced data structure like suffix tree, Patrica ,etc for searching.


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