The title bar has several functions. First off, it displays the current name of the image as well as information about the color mode and zoom scale. As you can see in the figure above, by default, the name will be "Untitled-1", but once you save the image, it will be changed to the name you saved the file under. The color mode and scale measure are more complex, so we will discuss them after we deal with the basics.
Another cool aspect of the title bar is that you can use the title bar to move the drawing canvas anywhere within the workspace by clicking and holding down the mouse button over the title bar and dragging the mouse. Try it out!
Finally, the title bar provides several control buttons. As with other applications, you can use the buttons to minimize
Before we go on, try working with your drawing canvas a bit. For example, try maximizing the canvas, minimizing the canvas, and then destroying the canvas.
Woops, just destroyed the canvas? That is okay,
When you do so, the "New Canvas Dialog" will appear. You can use this dialog to create your own canvas.
Try it out. Title your canvas MyFirstCanavas, set the height to 300 pixels and the width to 300 pixels, and hit the "OK" button. (Note that for the time being we won't worry about mode or resolution. We'll discus those later. For now just accept the defaults)
You should now have two canvases open. Try moving them around and switching between them. You can either select them by clicking on the title bar of the canvas you want or by selecting the name of the canvas from the "Window" menu item
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